Just a thought. I went the other way around, because I am also unfortunate enough to have missed DKA_R27 .

- Installed DKA_R28 manually.
- Then I read between the lines of what Legolas said and directed my browser to
http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/trunk/rtl/ and
and ofcourse downloaded appropiate/necessary sourcefiles
- added missing ?! input.inc include file which should be located at
- build
- et voila. With many great thanks to Legolas hard work I have now a compiled version of fpc4nds that seems to work ok with DKA_R28.

I say seem because I have not tested all examples yet. Only directory left to check for me is the graphics directory. All other examples did work on the emulator

So my question (sorry to bother you) for Legolas is: Am I correct in saying that I could not find the mentioned input.inc source from the svn or did I forgot to put on my binoculars ?
