Hey guys, just wanted to show off one of my latest secret projects... ok not a secret anymore I guess, but here it is none-the-less.

It's called Treasure Hunters and it's based off an old board game that I used to play as a kid. (Every hear of 'The Amazing Labyrinth'?) I'm adding a few enhancements to game play and I'm going to throw in a Story Mode and a few different modes of play for multi-player. It'll support 1 - 4 players + there is also the option to throw in a Minotaur stomping around trying to catch you. There are some other features which I'm pondering what and how they'll go into the game, but I'll figure that out in time.

I have some screenshots for you to look at to see what I've done so far. I'll release an Alpha Demo soon for you guys to try and give me feedback on. (After I finish up the game's menu!)

Treasure Hunters Web Page

Please let me know what you think. I'll follow-up with more soon.