Short video of SD showing the intro, main menu and the lighting nebula test I just got working today. I added support for a render state called rsColorLightMap. It takes source image and blends it with the destination image to change it's colors. In this case I'm using PG.RenderDevice.DrawRect to draw a white image on top of the nebula and setting it's RGB values from R:128,G:128,B:128 to R:255, R:255, R:255 to brighten the image buffer. As the rect is drawn successive times, the overal image becomes brighter and brighter. I then randomly modulate this to produce the desired lightning effects.

I discovered that if the RGB values are from 128 down to zero it will actually darken the image in the same way. So 128 is the neutral position and +-128 can lighten/darken the image buffer and/or texture in real-time. Using an actual color light map texture you now have the ability to simulate lighting in PGE.