I know I will be arrested for murder after this post because most of you will probably laugh to your death over the "problem" I have stated below, but what the hell - I still want it solved.

I've been poking around with Delph for some time now, but when it comes to graphics (and I don't mean DirectX, I mean TImage and TBitmap) I'm a "doodoo-beaten-with-a-stupid-stick". The deal is this:

I have: x*y sized array of indexes (bytes).
What I need: To display a graphical image (bmp preferably, but it doesn't matter) using each array element as a color index for the 256 color palette.

In other words, I need explicit (remember, I'm a doo-doo ) instructions on how to Create/Load standart 256 color palette in a way that I can access it's colors by indexes, and then draw (fast) these indexes onto a TImage component (i've been told to use scanlines, but to tell you the truth, I've got no idea what are those - that is, how to use them). Hey, stop laughing!

So - any help?