This is what I get when I run the MipMap test:

An unhandled exception occurred at $00414078 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $00414078 TEXTURESAMPLER_BILINEAR, line 207 of
 $004019E8 DRAWQUAD, line 107 of test.pas
 $00401BCB TIMERPRC1, line 268 of test.pas
 $004116E2 FE_DOMAINLOOP, line 124 of fenomenon_appwindow.pas
 $00401D91 main, line 329 of test.pas
And this when I run the MipMap Colored test:

An unhandled exception occurred at $004141A8 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $004141A8 TEXTURESAMPLER_BILINEAR, line 207 of
 $004019E8 DRAWQUAD, line 107 of test.pas
 $00401BCB TIMERPRC1, line 268 of test.pas
 $004116E2 FE_DOMAINLOOP, line 124 of fenomenon_appwindow.pas
 $00401D91 main, line 329 of test.pas
The rendering window shows for a sec, then disappears even though it's still displayed as present in taskbar, the whole thing holds for a few seconds and then crashes.

I'm using a Pentium 4 1.9 GHz with SSE2, 512 MiB DDR400 and a integrated Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV graphics card.