Indy 9 is definitely the way to go if your going with Indy. The Chat Client/Server demo isn't my best work, but it is a good starting point when working with Indy.

Yes, 10 is out, but there has been a REAL slow down on the work of 10 for the past several years. Most of us just aren't doing much with it. Heck, I don't even have a recent copy of Delphi to build the Demo apps for Indy on any more. There was talk of a C# port at one point in time, but that has now been dropped as well.

If you want cross platform and maintained, then look at Synapse. Bit more difficult to learn, but worth it if you want to run on Linux or Mac.

- Jeremy

PS: The official site for Project Indy is Indy 9 is at

As both of those URL's can be a bit difficult to find LOL, and the Indy 9 page likes to move