Ok, this is going to sound stupid, but I'm looking for a SIMPLE to understand tutorial that utilizes vectors to create a camera in OpenGL. I've searched around with Google and the best I've found (so far) is the one in the NeHe articles. Problem is, it only explains rotation on Y and movement forward and back.

What I'd love to learn is something along the following:
1) Placement of the camera within the world
2) Follow an object given a viewing sphere
3) Smooth transformation from one object to another
4) Free movement of camera over "landscape"

From what I can figure out thus far, I need to have a Vector for the Camera position and a Vector for the Camera orientation (rotation?). Then its "a simple matter of moving/rotating these vectors", only I can't figure out the simple matter

Does anyone have a truly for dummies version of Camera's for OpenGL?

- Jeremy

PS: Yes, I'm back on my quest for 3D. Prolly should stick with what I know, 2D, but I can't help but want to play in that 3rd dimension