Hi folks

Over the months I've been gearing up for the commercial side of my business efforts and the legal entity from which I will conduct my commercial business will be Hadron Games so I've consolidated all existing game related units under this label going forward. Games & GameDev will be under Hadron Games and my hosting business will be under the Hadron Hosting label.

The web hosting is a business unit mainly for developers needing a cost effective hosting solution for their projects. I'm currently promoting the hosting business so I will offer a few free accounts. I can do:[*]yourname.hadrongames.com (free subdomain)[*]yourname.[ext] (you can register a domain with me or use or own)
Hit me up and we can make arrangements.

PyroGine (from now on known as Hadron Game Engine) has been enhanced so that it should work with any version of 32 bit Delphi as well as Lazarus/FreePascal. The new procedural API (same API format) even makes it possible to work with additional language bindings. C++ bindings are included. Road map includes cross-platform support starting with 2.0. I would like to get some feedback on the Pascal side to make sure different versions of Delphi and Lazarus/FreePascal are covered. It has been tested with Delphi 5 and 2010 and Lazarus v0.9.28.2/FreePascal 2.2.4.

Hadron Game Engine‚Ѣ (HGE) an advanced 2D game engine for PC's running Microsoft Windows¬Ć and uses Direct3D¬Ć for hardware accelerated rendering. It's robust, designed for easy use and suitable for making all types of 2D games and other graphic simulations.

HGE has support for use from multiple programming languages and you access the features from a simple and intuitive procedural API to allow you to rapidly and efficiently develop your graphics simulations. There is support for surfaces, textures, sprites, audio, streams, archives, configuration files, render targets, swap chains, databases and much more.

HGE comes standard with language bindings for Pascal (Delphi, Lazarus/FreePascal) and standard C++. For Pascal, simply add HGE.pas to the project uses section and for C++ add HGE.h and HGE.cpp to you project. The bindings will dynamically load and bind to the exported routines from the HGE.dll.

There is also a thin object oriented layer (optimized for each supported language binding) for fast and efficient object management. Features include Actors, Actor Lists, Actor Scene, AI, Entities and Game Management. You can create an actor, drop it on a list it will be updated and rendered automatically for example. There is enough to provide a foundation to build your own higher level object management system from this.

Hadron Game Engine

Thanks for your continued support.