Hi all,

This has absolutely nothing to do with gamedev, but I figured it's delphi so I give it a try as I'm kinda stuck with an issue. Here's the background. I'm currently in the process of migrating a Sybase database holding well over 100 tables and a couple million records to SQL Server. That in itself is not all that hard. The tricky part is that all primary and foreign key fields in the Sybase database are of type varchar (yeah I know, dont ask me why ) and need to become uniqueidentifiers.

Ok, so here's the problem. I have a TTable component attached to table Users on the Sybase side and a second TTable component attached to the destination table Users on the SQL Server side.
On the Sybase side I'm able to retrieve all fields using for example something like
for i := 0 to table1.Fields.Count - 1 do (...)
However, on the SQL Server side, when I do something similar I don't get the same number of fields. And when I try to do something like:
showmessage(table2.FieldByName('usr_id').AsString) ;
an error appears Table2: Field 'usr_id' not found.

Apparently Delphi is ignoring all uniqueIdentifier fields. Does anyone have an idea how to get around this or what I need to do access these fields?

Thanks a lot!

Oh btw, this problem only occurs during runtime. Whenever I set the TDatasource and TTable during design time I am able to access them. Unfortunately I can't use this method, because I need to able to change tables during runtime...

edit: typo