The executable doesn't work for some reason. It normally flashes and closes, but running from console i captured the message:
An unhandled exception occurred at $004028D4 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
$004028D4 BUILDHUDBACKGROUND, line 255 of EngineTest.lpr
$00417A31 TGLHUD__REINIT, line 165 of D:/netti/RenderingEngine/RenderingEngi
$00410DBB TGLENGINE__RUN, line 488 of D:/netti/RenderingEngine/RenderingEngi
$00402E10 main, line 343 of EngineTest.lpr
Weirdly when i first run it from Lazarus it worked. Cubes rotating and in HUD aswell. But then i modified code to force recompile, debugger stopped with SIGSEGV at:
procedure BuildHUDBackground(const sender : TGLHUD);