BlueCat: I'm gonna be a big hypocrite here and tell you that I want to but may not have the time(new carrer starting and all). At least maybe not for a bit anyways. I do want to though and have some interesting ideas. Something on par with that you'd see on If you can put me down as a part-timer I'd be greatful.

cairnswm: I'm not sure you fully understood my idea. I'm not talking about making a second site or group of pages or anything like that. Maybe at first until the pages can be sorted out it may be only linked to. I'm sure BlueCat kind of figured this out (I'm pretty sure he actually does want to do this, I'd put money on it ) we want to add articals and tutorials to the site in a more sophisticated manner.

A bunch of(almost text) tutorials, no matter how great the content is, stuffed way back in some hidden folder in a forum is no way to display your masterpeices. I'm actually talking about making nice fully graphical tutorials made by anyone that wants to contribute, but as BlueCat is requesting, with a deticated staff. Well, when we have the time of course

:lol: [[size=9px]Pictures BlueCat throwing things at him for making alot of work for him now.[/size]]

Seriously though, if you guys really want DGDev to stand out as THE Delphi Game programmers home, you have to make the place more ...furnished, pardon the pun. This may involve making a menu bar that sits at the top of the pages and you can flip through the sections of the site. News, Forums and Articals(/Tutorials), "Project Spotlight"? Maybe we can enlist the help of both Turbo and Dominique Louis to handle the news get them to team up. The project can be as big or small or any shape really that we all(well... BlueCat, really) want it to be.