Hi Guys

Dom has just informed me of this dicussion so I thought I'd post my comments.

As Dom aslready mentioned limited spare time has been the main cause of the lack of posting on Delphi Gamer (a big thanks to Dom for doing almost all of the posting in the last 2 years ). As Turbo said more dedicated reporters/Article writers would be needed to bring these sites back up. A central Delphi Game Developement site is a great idea, as Dom said that was one of our goals when DelphiGamer was started all those years ago, but with limited time, resources and new projects things are going to slow down.

Now if a large enough group of commited developers can get together and push the Delphi gamer development comminuty then I for one would support that movement (in what spare time I had). If DelphiGamer is replaced/merged with this new site then so be it.

I personally like the name DelphiGamer, the origional idea was to have a monthly on-line magazine which covered all the latest delphi gamer development news and tutorials, kind of an on-line Game Development Mag.

I am the one that owns the domain for DelphiGamer and I will continue to pay for that domain as long as the comminuty wants it. So the option is there if the community want to re-launch DelphiGamer (with input from myself and Dom) .

Dean ( aka Technomage)