Yes Traveler, the last thing we'd want to do is upset anyone else or 'put their grocery out of business' - that's assuming we could even do that if we tried.

We just want to provide the community with something that isn't already there. DGDev is a good meeting place for the people who regularly visit game development sites (including DelphiGamer and Turbo) and it's something you couldn't have found a year ago (at least I couldn't).

So we've made something that we needed but wasn't there and I think we should carry on doing that. There shouldn't be any competition between sites and I don't think any of the people involved would even contemplate that idea. Let's just help each other out and give the members of our community more opportunities to give something back, in the form of tutorials, articles, whatever.

It's really not about making a busy site just for the sake of it (I don't like the thought of bandwidth charges anyway :lol. The problem with the site being quiet is that we know there are lots of people out there who want to see more and maybe pass right through here because they get the impression there's not much going on.

We just need to work out what it is we don't have and then work out how to make it happen.

If people don't want a private group we can be public, it really doesn't matter as long as the majority are happy. I certainly don't mind either way :roll: