Thanks guys, it's nice to hear my efforts do have an impact.
They absolutely do! There wouldn't be much of a community left, if you weren't doing things like the news wrap-ups and the pascal gamer mag.

All kinds of exciting developments in the OOP world will bring an influx of new coders. XE2 will see many new people picking up the language and Firemonkey will see many of them realize that graphics is not the impossible topic they imagine! thanks to the hard work of people such as Dr. Norman Morrison ( more and more institutions will adopt and re-adopt OOP as the learning language of choice. It really is the best, here in the UK Pascal was the main educational language for a long time and there's very good reasons for that! OOP teaches you far better than C or Java, how to think about your code in a generic manner. An OOP coder will always have an easier time picking up a new language than someone that started elsewhere. It was designed by a genius for that very reason!
To be honest, I don't entirely get this part. You're talking about it as if OOP is a language, while it's a paradigm. So how does OOP teach you better than C/Java? I'd say that C has nothing to do with OOP and is usefull in totally different areas, while learning java is almost the same thing. Java is one of the most Object oriented languages I've seen until now.

Overall I agree with you that OOP gives developers a very comfortable and easy-to-use approach creating good software. If I were to create a software product, 99% chance I'd use an OOP language. That being said, I think it's worth it to look in other directions. For example, the functional programming paradigm. Langauges like OCaml or Haskell are harder to learn/use, but the programming model has some very interesting properties that normal OOP doesn't have (Like high reliability, easily parallelizable etc).