Hi all,
for my game The Probe I am wanting to make some simple text files that include these features:

1. plain text for messages
2. some simple formatting like setting colour of some of the text, and end of line markers; "\n" perhaps?
3. can embed names of images so I can display text with images in them, like if I refer to one of the objects in the game I can use text + image.

The way I figure it, I could load the text file, parse it to break it down into it's component parts (or elements), and then when it comes to displaying it, 'execute' each element so it does it's thing - sets some formatting, draws text, etc.

Any ideas?

I could roll my own, maybe use something like XML, or some other system.

Possible XML Example:

Test File.txt

This is some normal text and some <red>red text</red>.<crlf/>and this <blue> text is on a new line</blue>! and now here is an image example <img filename="test.png"/> too
hmm...I'm not sure if that is going to work so well somehow though as XML usually needs to have open/close pairs of commands.

Maybe some thing self-created like this?

\n = new line
\$RRGGBB = colour change (2 hex digits per colour part)
\i = image name
\fdd = font size change (2 digits)

Line one\nline two and an image \i"probe.png". Also some \$FF0000red\$000000 text Here is some \f12size 12 text\f08