Okay, my answer to Traveler's question - do I do sound effects?

Well, probably not in terms of making sounds for power-ups, firing weapons or punching enemies - I just haven't done that kind of thing before. Certainly I've created some weird sounds for my own music though. It's easy to record you own sound effects for that purpose - just by recording something 'real' with a mic plugged into your soundcard. You'll get a more 'cartoon' style collection of soundeffects that way.
For more synthesised sound effects like zooms and whooshes, I reckon I could create some. Here's a collection of strange samples I came up with once when playing around with a hardware sampler and an outboard effects unit... http://homepage.ntlworld.com/k_u_d_o...ollection1.mp3.

Sound effects can be grouped into ambience and action:
Ambience usually being a recording (or a mix of recordings) of real-life sounds which loop seemlessly. For a street scene - perhaps traffic noise.
Action sounds are short clips, to be triggered on the event of hitting an enemy, firing a weapon, changing a weapon, getting hit, jumping, lauching, bouncing, picking up objects etc. These can be taken from plain un-altered audio recordings of everyday sounds, or even from mangled up sounds that I can produce. Did you know that the sound effect for Doctor Who's Tardis appearing/disappearing was made from sliding something up a piano string?!! :shock: Sound effects are easy to make if you have enough equipment. Give me a the purpose of a sound effect you might need and I can come up with several suitable sounds for you to choose from!

And finally WILL's question - Modules:
Do you mean MOD files/players? Please explain what you mean by IT modules! I have no experience in creating MOD files, although I know it's pretty straight forward - a collection of audio snippets which are sequenced like midi notes. I can easily create seamless loops from soft ambient/atmospheric effects to full on musical loops (like the ones that some people use on webpages :? ).

I must point out that I'm certainly not restricted to producing one style - I can easily create other sltyes, from classical, through jazz and rock to contemporary, pop dance and rave....! The only reason I haven't produced many other styles on my own is because PsyTrance is the style I personally concentrate on - if anyone gives me a goal to produce a different style for their purpose, I can do it.