Well if you look at past competitions (see showcase!) there was a lot of software and licenses given out. Some hardware was also given, but the creme de la creme was a shiny new copy of Delphi from Borland. Well Borland is gone and they cheaped out during the last one, pre-Embarcadero, so hopefully David I. is still interested in supporting the PGD Annual like previous years with a new version of Delphi. In this case Delphi XE2 Starter edition and perhaps even Professional. The idea of getting Architecture Edition was nice and all, but to be honest, it was always overkill as most of whats in the higher versions was never used in game development and the 'cost' would have been better put towards getting more copies rather than a single costly, overkill version to one person.

We've also done books and sound cards too...

We've thought of publishing deals in the past as well, but we've never really had the contacts and honestly only a portion of the games were even close to being publish quality.

Here is a new idea though...

I did think about having a yearly awards nominations, maybe something like how DelphiGL does it, where you can submit your game for presentation no matter when it's development started and we would award from those nominations (usual registration required) for similar past awards like best graphics and best music & audio, most innovative, etc... Each game can be submitted as many years as possible, but they can only win once. Once they have won something, it's no longer valid for renomination.

The question for the last idea is do we have enough projects generated yearly to make it work? I believe so since I see new games published year to year from specific developers. So it's possible to do the yearly awards seperate from the game dev competitions. The Jan Horn award should stay with the competitions though.

Thoughts on that last idea?