Well I liked the idea of recognizing more than just a handful of those that took part in the competition. I know it'll never be anything like the IGF, but in a small way we can at least reward those who complete projects and release games in this way.

As for the IGF prize, it had it's run but it never really got anyone into the final selections the three years we did it. To be honest a good part of this is because of the short time-frame that the PGD Annual projects were started compared to how long some of these other indie developers have been at it with theirs, it's not that fair to throw such a new project at another competition like that. I think it was, in part, a substitution to an earlier idea I had that we were hoping to land a publishing deal with a game distributor. That didn't fan out well either.

1st thru 3rd do get prizes though. In fact most of the competitions allowed for someone to hold something in their hands after winning. Except maybe the 2nd one, it was all software and licenses I believe. (The Big Boss)