Hey guys,

I've been thinking about the Help Me forum lately and I'm starting to question it's reason for existing. Here is why...

1) It jumbles all the possible topics (everything) into one massive messy forum where sorting it out after becomes an issue of 'wasted' time.

2) You can really just post in any other forum that best matches the thread's topic.

3) Noone is following the posted "Help Me! Forum" rules anymore. (See item 3 'Help Me! FORUM RULES') These rules are also set as a sticky at the top of the forum it's self.

So what I'm getting at is, do I continue with these rules and put forth the energy to keep up the forum OR do I eliminate the forum all together? It just seems like a whole less hassle and heart-ache (on both the Staff and Members side) to keep it going. It had it's time and served it's purpose, but I think it's ready to be put to bed.

I'll put up a poll, but I'm leaning to killing it, unless someone wants to take care of it and gives me a really really good reason to keep it.