Hi all, I wanted to get some idea of what people are using for their game projects and why they have chosen as such, be it features, ease of use, user base or just simple personal preference.

It seems to me that there are precious few of us working on game orientated projects in pascal.

The learning curve to creating a game is as steep as the learning curve of programming itself, it's compounded by the fact that C/C++ dominates in terms of userbase, public libs, variety and by far the least, tutorials.

This means that unless you have a good understanding of C/C++, there are many tutorials that become of little use to us and many programmers rely on those more familiar with C/C++ to provide headers for libraries, or for those few that set out to write native pascal solutions for the commonly used systems in games.

So I thought it may be useful for those looking for 'frameworks' within which to create their games to see what their options are.

Hopefully we'll discover some commonly used libs and reasons they are good for certain tasks.

Maybe this will encourage people to follow suit and use the more popular libs, increasing the shared knowledge of the community as a whole, allowing more people to provide support (because they use it too) and hopefully making the learning curve that bit much easier for everyone.