And once again I find myself updating here: Have been committing a bit less lately since its near the end of the year all teachers decide they have to test you on everything *sigh* but heres the current development focus:

-Fire n forget approach to things eg: you make an object that rotates, you don't have to call an update function. Ever. Same thing for updating the screen. Also applies to audio as it updates the buffer on its own thanks to multi threading.
-A more comprehensive range of drawing procedures and functions for graphics including primitives, and am experimenting with gradient fills (not going too well).
-For the core unit, I'm working on a new type of resource file with its own editor for databases and for packing files along with new resource management.
-I am about to get a tablet - multi touch support would be nice XD. This is still in the is it feasible stage but there is a chance it will be in there for an early 2011 sdl release and an optimised Gl release later on.

The timescales aren't pretty but I have plenty to go through - especially since I am now an IT techie for our company (hooraah) as a part of the Young Enterprise sheme ongoing here in the UK.