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Thread: Borland Builder 6 and Direct3D, problem setting up

  1. #1

    Borland Builder 6 and Direct3D, problem setting up

    I have downloaded the Delphi/Borland compatible files that I found on clootie's site. I have the latest Microsoft SDK installed.

    I am trying to use the D3DXCreateTextureFromFile method.

    I have the following libs included in my project:

    And their respective dll's are found in the same directory.

    In my .h I have the following defined:
    #pragma link "DX9\d3d9.lib"
    #pragma link "DX9\d3dx9.lib"
    #pragma link "DX9\d3dx9d.lib"

    However, I am getting the following error when trying to compile:
    Call to undefined function 'D3DXCreateTextureFromFile

    What step am I missing in trying to get this up and running?

  2. #2
    Welcome niraley

    Sorry, I can't actually help you with that.

    The thing is that you're talking about Borland C++ Builder. This is a pascal forum, so not many will be familiar with it.

    Nevertheless, good luck!
    Coders rule nr 1: Face ur bugz.. dont cage them with code, kill'em with ur cursor.

  3. #3
    The problem seems to be that you added "DX9\" to your pragma link command but in your post you say that the .lib - files aren't in the DX9 subdirectory, but in the same path as the rest of the files.
    Try using
    #pragma link "d3d9.lib"
    #pragma link "d3dx9.lib"
    #pragma link "d3dx9d.lib"
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