Sorry for my absence, yes we are indeed working on the SDL 1.3 header translations, but upon research I have some concerns about the future of SDL 1.3. It would appear that the Original Developer of SDL (and the IP holder) has intent on a commercially licensed version of SDL 1.3 along with the LGPL version. "He can't do that" I hear you say. Well no, you can still use all the LGPL code in Commercial apps, but according to his company's web page, he's working on large portions specific to Iphone development that I can only assume will not be part of the LGPL version.

Why is this bad? well it means that one of the SDLs best developers is not focused on the project. There are trivial bugs that have been sitting reported for up to a year in some cases, broken mouse support in windows and while there is modern GL context creation, currently no method for setting which Profile you wish to use (Core or compatibility, defaults to compatiblity which from my understanding will cause problems with some Core features)

That tied in with the fact they have no formal release schedule suggests that the project is being managed poorly at present hence the delays.

Don't be too worried however, it's still quite active and 1.3 will almost certainly be with us eventually. But it's not going to be any time soon.

We are still continuing with our 1.3 translation (I've nearly finished the most important parts of the headers) and I will do what I can to ensure our hard work does not go to waste. For windows at least I'll be certain to release 32bit and 64bit SDL1.3 DLL's which contain any available patches (and a few tweaks of my own) so you can use SDL1.3 without being impacted by it's current shortcomings

Linux, Mac OSX developers : I'll do what I can to provide you with workable solutions, feel free to query my obtained knowledge on the subject.