Okay I have got rid of all of the major bugs. The game is now theoritically playable. What is left to be done:
1) The ships are yet just random squares they don't form a ship this should really not be a problem I just write an organising procedure and there it is.
2) Graphics. Now I always use simple sprites for testing(red square, gray square etc...) but a game should really not have graphs like that
3) Sounds. Should not be a problem either.
4) A menu system with some kind of in-game menu with nice functions. Any good games have these why won't I put them in mine? I think it won't be hard altough it could be a bit tricky. Especially the in-game part.
5) This is the most interesting part: make it work online. I think I will save this for later... I'm just not skilled enough for that yet.

Now as you can see most of the remaining parts of the game takes more time than skill to get them done. And that's what I hate in designing games(I have like a dozens of game maker games all done with complicated calculations, AI and stuff like that but I was way too lazy to do the health-life counts, animations, spirtes, musics, backgrounds, level-designs and all the easy stuff...). Someone said I could lose interest if I made the game too hard to design for my skills. Well actually I usually lose interest at these parts of the game. When the hard parts are done and just time-work is what's left. Anyways I will finish this I've decided it. I just messed up too many hours and nerves on it not to do so However this is my very first game written in Pascal and still I got many help from you guys here(for which I am very grateful) I think I could be proud of myself. I really also solved things by myself I wouldn't have imagined I could a few weeks ago. Also this one simple game at least doubled my programming skills. It gave me some insight into OOP and SDL too. It's been a useful week.