I didn't get most of this since my skills in network programming... well let's just say you can't divide with it. Anyways this will be useful when I finally understand it so thanks. It's not your fault I assure you I'm just way too noob in this. I'm using free pascal. And I have never used ANY other includes and barely even use units except for crt. Altough I'm trying to get JEDI-SDL work I'm too noob to even do that. There's another topic of mine about that... So all this, a program with multiple components like not just a simple executable and maybe 1 or 2 binary and text files is totally new to me. I thought it would be so much more simple. They said Game Maker is good for start well game maker is nothing compared to this. It's like telling a 5 year-old to make the plans of a whole house after he've been playing with wood-cubes for a couple of hours. There I just pushed a button and there was my object I didn't need any constructor thing I don't even know what the hell is that but I see it everywhere in the examples. It's hard to learn from the examples when the theory of the coding is explained but I barely know the functions and procedures used because they're either Object Pascal or in units I've never used before. Altough if I could finally create an object and make it "work" somehow I would see, yes it is kind of similar to game maker but other than that, not at all. I don't even know how these work in pascal. I mean objects. Are their procedures executed as they exist? Or should I call them? Oh don't worry you don't have to answer these stupid questions I'll search for them but I'm just scared When I finally think I know a little about this langauge I find out how little exactly that is.