About FPS — in this demo uses 1024x768 rendertargets for high-precission rendering. But in case if we want better performance, we can downgrade rendertarget size. We can make it 512x512 and it will bring you at least 2x Performance. But we still can do it 128x128. It will look crappy, but i promise more than 200fps ^_^ to you.

There are still lot of work to do. About dynamically lightning explosions and so on, but I like what I do. It's a great experience to me, because i didn't anything like that before. I think soon I'll show some other effects.

2WILL: thanks m8. I really hope that someone is intererested in my work. But I sad to disappoint u. Quad based on DirectX9 and nothing else. That's why it bring so high quality of result picture.

I make blog about quad (http://quadengine.blogspot.com/), but it's on russian. If someone interested in it, I can try to write in english too. But English is not my native language, so it's really bad ^_^.
Any suggestions?