The video has a description on YouTube channel, but I can expand it a bit here:

1. Wireframe View
2. Solid View
3. Pre-Computed Ambient Vertex Occlusion + corrections (Vertex Painter)
4. Texture Mapping
5. Shadow Mapping (Real-Time Computed Soft Shadow Maps)
6. Material Shaders (GLSLParallax for ground and house walls, GLSLEnvironment for container, GLSLShadow for procedural vegetation, GLSLBump for the rest)

POST-PROCESSING (all FBO effects are automatic/dynamic, for example: radius of the ambient occlusion depends on the distance between the camera and the observed object):
7. Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (FBO) + Vignette (FBO)
8. HDR (FBO) + Tone Mapping (FBO)
9. Light Scattering (FBO) + Film Grain (PBO)
10. Bokeh Depth of Field (FBO)
11. Simple Motion Blur from GLScene
12. Bloom (PBO) - unnecessary at this video (too many bloom)
13. Color Correction (FBO) - saturation, gamma, RGB