Hey everyone, I just wanted to canvas some of you to try to figure something out I've ran into recently.

After getting my iPod Touch, purchased second hand, I've been trying to get Pascal Gamer Magazine put on it to see if it works well on the iPod/iPhone considering it's size. I'm sad to say that each time I try to open it with iBooks or many of the other PDF reader apps available, it closes the app before it's finished opening the file.

I thought perhaps it was a file size problem so I tried another ebook, but it opened just fine so that's out. Perhaps it's the dpi. Is there a limit to how high I can have it? The actual release that I offer on my site is 300dpi, which could be making memory requirements a bit big so I tried lowering it to 200 dpi and I still got the same premature closing problem. So I'm thinking maybe I just have to reduce it a good bit more to perhaps 72 dpi?

What do you guys thing? Anyone try viewing Pascal Gamer Magazine on their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch?