Wouldn't mind reignighting interest in this poll for specific reasons. Any more people what to have some input on this?

My plan is to report the findings on this poll to the decision-makers at Embarcadero in the very near future. I would really help if all those who have at least some vested stake or interest in Delphi's future to vote what you feel you ACTUALLY need from this set of tools. Even if you don't use them right now!

A conversation with real facts about what a game developer would need from Delphi will go a long way in talks with EMBT. (Price issues aside!) The community knows my track record of breaking through the veil. So my goal when starting this poll was to gather some real facts to work with not a handful of my own personal oppinion.

So if you haven't voted on this poll, please do so. Every person counts esp. the new members who are active!