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Thread: Preserving Font Changes in a Memo or RichEdit Control?

  1. #1

    Preserving Font Changes in a Memo or RichEdit Control?

    Is there and easy way to do this? Every time I change the font, it changes all the text instead of just the text I select or the text I am about to type.
    My DGDev forum pascal syntax highlight settings:
    <br />[background=#FFFFFF][comment=#8080FF][normal=#000080]
    <br />[number=#C00000][reserved=#000000][string=#00C000]

  2. #2

    Preserving Font Changes in a Memo or RichEdit Control?

    Memo only supports one font... which you can set using the Font property.
    Richedit however, has a default font, set in the Font property. If you want to change the selected text (or carets position) you ought to use SelAttributes (or whatever it's named; I hate RichEdits ops: )


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