For those of you who don't know what the Global Game Jam is, it is a contest similar to Ludum Dare where you have 48 hours to complete a game.

Things that differ from Ludum Dare:
- Teams are allowed and encouraged
- The Global Game Jam is real-life meetup at different locations all over the world

The theme this time was Extinction.

Our team consisted of five member of which I was the only one with significant coding skills finally settled on a simple idea after having spent about 12 hours on a complete different concept. But no worries though, I am quite happy with the result.

This is the premise: You control Mr. Fire and have to burn crates to stay alive. Avoid iron crates, those are bad for your health.

Click here to view the game project site

I used my own Elysion Engine (which is it what I'm using for all my Pascal game projects) and builds for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X are being provided.