Oh, no, I didn't think you were. It is an important point. Like I said when I started the thread, I don't want to turn it into a "holy war", as it is easy to get distracted into going there; been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

The goal is to not only help us choose the tool that is right for our needs, but also see where the each tool is weak and in need of improvement. In my opinion, that is more pertinent for FP/L because it can be fed directly into the development process, whereas such improvements might lag a bit with Delphi because of the general nature of closed-source software development versus FOSS development. It still is good for both, though.

One example for both is the lack of a real macro preprocessor extension. While I really don't like C (and its dialects) as a language, there are some superlatives about it that I miss in Object Pascal; one of those is a decent macro preprocessor built into the compiler. FP does have an experimental one, but it is somewhat limited. Of course, some folks will say to just use m4 or some other macro preprocessor, but m4 is a bit heavy syntactically, and it doesn't have an "integrated" feel to it.