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Thread: image resizing, optimize

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  1. #1

    image resizing, optimize

    hi, i found this code liying around:

    [pascal]procedure ResizeBitmap(imgo, imgd: TBitmap; nw, nh: Integer);
    xini, xfi, yini, yfi, saltx, salty: single;
    x, y, px, py, tpix: integer;
    PixelColor: TColor;
    r, g, b: longint;

    function MyRound(const X: Double): Integer;
    Result := Trunc(x);
    if Frac(x) >= 0.5 then
    if x >= 0 then Result := Result + 1
    Result := Result - 1;
    //Result := Trunc(X + (-2 * Ord(X < 0) + 1) * 0.5);

    // Set target size

    imgd.Width := nw;
    imgd.Height := nh;

    // Calcs width & height of every area of pixels of the source bitmap

    saltx := imgo.Width / nw;
    salty := imgo.Height / nh;

    yfi := 0;
    for y := 0 to nh - 1 do
    // Set the initial and final Y coordinate of a pixel area

    yini := yfi;
    yfi := yini + salty;
    if yfi >= imgo.Height then yfi := imgo.Height - 1;

    xfi := 0;
    for x := 0 to nw - 1 do
    // Set the inital and final X coordinate of a pixel area

    xini := xfi;
    xfi := xini + saltx;
    if xfi >= imgo.Width then xfi := imgo.Width - 1;

    // This loop calcs del average result color of a pixel area
    // of the imaginary grid

    r := 0;
    g := 0;
    b := 0;
    tpix := 0;

    for py := MyRound(yini) to MyRound(yfi) do
    for px := MyRound(xini) to MyRound(xfi) do
    PixelColor := ColorToRGB(imgo.Canvas.Pixels[px, py]);
    r := r + GetRValue(PixelColor);
    g := g + GetGValue(PixelColor);
    b := b + GetBValue(PixelColor);

    // Draws the result pixel

    imgd.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] :=
    rgb(MyRound(r / tpix),
    MyRound(g / tpix),
    MyRound(b / tpix)

    and its kinda reall slow, so does anyone know how to do scanline instead of direct pixle?

  2. #2

    image resizing, optimize

    Scanline is no big deal really. All you need to remember is that when using scanlines, the pixel format is important.

    Here's an example:
      MaxPixelCount = 65536;  // Change this if necessary
      TRGBArray = array&#91;0..MaxPixelCount - 1&#93; of TRGBTriple;
      pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
      I, J&#58; Integer;
      Row&#58; pRGBArray;
    Bitmap &#58;= TBitmap.Create;
    Bitmap.Width &#58;= 400;
    Bitmap.Height &#58;= 300;
    Bitmap.PixelFormat &#58;= pf24Bit; // 1 Byte per color
    for J &#58;= 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do
      Row &#58;= Bitmap.ScanLine&#91;J&#93;;
      for I &#58;= 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do
        Row&#91;I&#93;.rgbtRed &#58;= Random&#40;256&#41;;
        Row&#91;I&#93;.rgbtGreen &#58;= Random&#40;256&#41;;
        Row&#91;I&#93;.rgbtBlue &#58;= Random&#40;256&#41;;
    This example should generate some random color noise but I think it illustrates quite well how to access individual pixels using scanlines. Make sure that the color values you assign to rgbtRed, Green and Blue are between 0 and 255. You will get some really funky results if your values are either too large or too small.
    Ask me about the xcess game development kit

  3. #3

    image resizing, optimize

    I could rewrite it to use Scanline tomorrow if you want (not tonight unfortunately - been a hectic week).

    EDIT: as a thought, Anders Melander (cool Delphi dude who wrote a gif component, maybe called TGifImage) has a zip somewhere out there that deals with this - it's called or something like that. Sorry about being hazy on the details but his site has been down for a while, unfortunately (his life got too busy to maintain it IIRC from news:// It's meant to be quite good if you {$DEFINE USE_SCANLINE} or something like that. Umm, maybe this vague info will be helpful, though it may involve more than a little hunting around :?
    "All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind."
    <br />-- Aristotle

  4. #4

    image resizing, optimize

    Aaah! Here's another example of me forgetting about things! Sigh. By "tomorrow", of course, I meant "quite a few days from the time of that post".

    Whoops. It'll get rewritten soon-ish if you still want that, dUmAsS. In my defence, it's been a busy few days (and I have a promotion interview on Wednesday, so hopefully once that's done things will get quiet again).
    "All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind."
    <br />-- Aristotle

  5. #5

    image resizing, optimize

    hi, thanks man

    no problems, ive been busy myself. and it involves a suprise car on my bday yay :shock:

  6. #6

    image resizing, optimize

    um, i tryed myself but failed missrebly (scanline index out of range)

    heres the code

    procedure ResizeBitmapNew&#40;imgo, imgd&#58; TBitmap; nw, nh&#58; Integer&#41;;
      MaxPixelCount = 65536;  // Change this if necessary
      TRGBArray = array&#91;0..MaxPixelCount - 1&#93; of TRGBTriple;
      pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
      Row&#58; pRGBArray;
      xini, xfi, yini, yfi, saltx, salty&#58; single;
      x, y, px, py, tpix&#58; integer;
      PixelColor&#58; TColor;
      r, g, b&#58; longint;
      function MyRound&#40;const X&#58; Double&#41;&#58; Integer;
        Result &#58;= Trunc&#40;x&#41;;
        if Frac&#40;x&#41; >= 0.5 then
          if x >= 0 then Result &#58;= Result + 1
            Result &#58;= Result - 1;
         //Result &#58;= Trunc&#40;X + &#40;-2 * Ord&#40;X < 0&#41; + 1&#41; * 0.5&#41;;
      // Set target size
      imgd.Width  &#58;= nw;
      imgd.Height &#58;= nh;
      // Calcs width & height of every area of pixels of the source bitmap
      saltx &#58;= imgo.Width / nw;
      salty &#58;= imgo.Height / nh;
      yfi &#58;= 0;
      for y &#58;= 0 to nh - 1 do
        Row &#58;= imgd.ScanLine&#91;y&#93;;
        // Set the initial and final Y coordinate of a pixel area
        yini &#58;= yfi;
        yfi  &#58;= yini + salty;
        if yfi >= imgo.Height then yfi &#58;= imgo.Height - 1;
        xfi &#58;= 0;
        for x &#58;= 0 to nw - 1 do
          // Set the inital and final X coordinate of a pixel area
          xini &#58;= xfi;
          xfi  &#58;= xini + saltx;
          if xfi >= imgo.Width then xfi &#58;= imgo.Width - 1;
          // This loop calcs del average result color of a pixel area
          // of the imaginary grid
          r &#58;= 0;
          g &#58;= 0;
          b &#58;= 0;
          tpix &#58;= 0;
          for py &#58;= MyRound&#40;yini&#41; to MyRound&#40;yfi&#41; do
            for px &#58;= MyRound&#40;xini&#41; to MyRound&#40;xfi&#41; do
              PixelColor &#58;= ColorToRGB&#40;imgo.Canvas.Pixels&#91;px, py&#93;&#41;;
              r &#58;= r + GetRValue&#40;PixelColor&#41;;
              g &#58;= g + GetGValue&#40;PixelColor&#41;;
              b &#58;= b + GetBValue&#40;PixelColor&#41;;
          // Draws the result pixel
          Row&#91;x&#93;.rgbtRed &#58;= MyRound&#40;r / tpix&#41;;
          Row&#91;x&#93;.rgbtGreen &#58;= MyRound&#40;g / tpix&#41;;
          Row&#91;x&#93;.rgbtBlue &#58;= MyRound&#40;b / tpix&#41;;
    &#123;      imgd.Canvas.Pixels&#91;x, y&#93; &#58;=
            rgb&#40;MyRound&#40;r / tpix&#41;,
            MyRound&#40;g / tpix&#41;,
            MyRound&#40;b / tpix&#41;
            &#41;;   &#125;

    as you can see im crap at image work

  7. #7

    image resizing, optimize

    You need to do Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; with all your bitmaps...
    Also, make sure that the values you assign to rgtbRed,... never get larger than 255 or smaller than 0 or you'll get really weird results.
    Ask me about the xcess game development kit


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