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Thread: Fullscreen Without d3dApp Framework?

  1. #1

    Fullscreen Without d3dApp Framework?

    I'm trying to create a full screen dx app without using the CD3DApplication class. I know i have to create a top-level window e.t.c this is not my question. The question is as follows. In the examples i have seen the window is created using the screens height and width. To me this is impractical because the return value is 1280x1024 which is way to big. Can i set the resolution in DirectX or do i need to change windows resolution to the desired screen size(then change it back when the app terminates)?

    Heres my code so far, its my first directx app in delphi so its a tad messy. The commenting is even blatantly incorrect in some places and i've got timers handling renders where i should be processing paint messages:

    //               VCL-DIRECT X In Practice
    // Code    : Arius Myst
    // Desc    : Sets Up And Initializes A Device ( Full ).
    //                Files Needed:
    // Headers : Clooties DirectX 9 Headers
    // Common  : Clooties Common Framework
    // Url     : HTTP://CLOOTIE.NAROD.RU
    // Comment : This file was written using the C++
    //           tutorials present in the DirectX 9
    //           SDK Documentation as a base theory.
    //           Clooties Delphi samples were used as
    //           reference material when i was unsure
    //           of Delphi - C++ Comparisons.
    unit Unit1;
      Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
      Dialogs, Direct3d9, D3DX9,  ExtCtrls;
    // Uses Clause, Added The Following:
    // Direct3d9
    // D3DX9
      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        Timer1: TTimer;
        Timer2: TTimer;
        procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
        procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
        procedure Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject);
    //  ...:::  Private Declarations  :::...
    //  ...:::  Public  Declarations  :::...
      Procedure Render();        // Render Procedure  : Called EveryTime We Want To Render A Frame.
      Procedure CleanUp();       // CleanUp Procedure : Called When The Program Terminates.
      Procedure Err(Cm: String); // Error Procedure   : Called When We Catch An Error.
      Procedure Diag();          // We Will Call This Every Render Pass. Draws Text To Screen.
      Form1      :                  TForm1;  // Form1     : Delphi Generated Application Window. We Will Use It As Our Screen.
      GfxDevice  :  IDirect3DDevice9 = Nil;  // GfxDevice : The Systems Graphics Chip.
      D3DObj     :        IDirect3D9 = Nil;  // D3DObj    : Direct3D Object. Will Be Used To Create GfxDevice.
      TextFnt    :               ID3DXFont;  // TextFnt   : DirectX Font.
      FontObj    :                   TFont;  // FontObj   : Font Object.
      FPS        :                 Integer;  // FPS       : Will Count The Frames.
      FPS2       :                 Integer;  // FPS2      : Will Hold The Amount Of Frames Counted In FPS For Every Second.
      TxtRect    :                   TRect;  // TxtRect   : Rect For Holding Our Text.
      Full       :                   HWnd;
      Inst       :                  HInst;
    {$R *.dfm}
    //-------------- ...:::     Diag     :::... -----------------
    //  Type: Custom Procedure
    //  Desc: Displays Diagnostics. Including Frame Per Second.
    Procedure TForm1.Diag();
    TxtRect.Left   := 0;
    TxtRect.Right  := 100;
    TxtRect.Top    := 0;
    TxtRect.Bottom := 40;
    TextFnt.DrawTextA(PChar('  [ VCL - DirectX 9 ] '#10+'  [       FPS       ] '+IntToStr(FPS2)), -1, TxtRect, DT_LEFT, D3DColor_XRGB( 147, 203, 255 ));
    //-------------- ...:::     Err      :::... -----------------
    //  Type: Custom Procedure
    //  Desc: Displays An Error Message And Terminates The
    //        Application.
    Procedure TForm1.Err(Cm: String);
    //-------------- ...:::  Initialize  :::... -----------------
    //  Type: Function
    //  Desc: Initializes The Device To The Given Window Handle.
    Function Initialize(Window: hWnd): HRESULT;
    Present: TD3DPresentParameters; // Present : Settings For The Display
    // D3D Object Initialization:
    D3DObj := Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );                                                   // Create Our Direct3D Object
    If (D3DObj = Nil) Then Form1.Err('Failed To Initialize D3DObj( Direct3D Object ) - Line 63');   // If The Creation Of Our Object Fails, We Call The "Err" Custom Procedure With A String Describing The Problem
    // D3D Object Finished
    // Present Initialization:
    FillChar(Present, SizeOf(Present), 0);              // Allocate Memory For Present( Because Its A Structure Of Bytes ).   ?????????? Could Be Wrong ??????????
    Present.Windowed         := True;                  // We Want A Windowed Display As Opposed To A Fullscreen One.
    Present.SwapEffect       := D3DSwapEffect_Discard;  // Fills Buffer With Noise After It Has Been Presented( Displayed On Screen/Flipped ).
    Present.BackBufferFormat := D3DFMT_Unknown;         // We Are In Windowed Mode And Want To Use The Current Display Mode Format.
    // Present Finished
    // Gfx Device Initialization:
    Result := D3DObj.CreateDevice( D3DAdapter_Default, D3DDevType_HAL, Window, D3DCreate_Software_VertexProcessing, @Present, GfxDevice);  // Initializes GfxDevice. For A More In-Depth Description See The Dx9 SDK.
    If Failed( Result ) then                                         // If The Device Failed To Initialize
    Result := E_FAIL;                                                // Function Result Becomes E_FAIL
    Form1.Err('Device Failed To Initialize, GfxDevice - Line 85');   // We Call Our Error Procedure Once More
    //SetCooperativeLevel( Window, DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE );
    //SetDisplayMode(800, 600, 32);
    // TextFnt Initialization:
    FontObj := TFont.Create();
    With FontObj Do
    Name    := 'Tahoma';
    Size    := 8;
    D3DXCreateFont(GfxDevice, FontObj.Handle, TextFnt);
    // TextFnt Finished
    //-------------- ...:::    Render    :::... -----------------
    //  Type: Custom Procedure
    //  Desc: Fills The Back Buffer With A Colour And Then
    //        flips The Buffers, Displaying The Colour In
    //        its wake.
    Procedure TForm1.Render;
    GfxDevice.Clear(0, nil, D3DClear_Target, D3DColor_XRGB( 46, 66, 90 ), 1.0, 0);  // Clear The BackBuffer To A Dark Pascal Blue.
    GfxDevice.BeginScene;   // Begins The Scene.
    // Calls To Loops Of Graphics/Scenes Can Go Here.
    GfxDevice.EndScene;     // Ends The Scene.
    GfxDevice.Present(Nil, Nil, 0, Nil);
    FPS := FPS + 1;         // We Add One To Our FrameCount
    //-------------- ...:::    Cleanup   :::... -----------------
    //  Type: Custom Procedure
    //  Desc: Releases Created Objects. Modded Clootie Code:
    Procedure TForm1.CleanUp;
      if &#40;GfxDevice <> nil&#41; then
        &#123;$IFDEF TMT&#125;
        GfxDevice &#58;= nil;
      if &#40;D3DObj <> nil&#41; then
        &#123;$IFDEF TMT&#125;
        D3DObj &#58;= nil;
    procedure TForm1.FormShow&#40;Sender&#58; TObject&#41;;
    FPS  &#58;= 0;
    //Full &#58;= CreateWindowEx&#40;WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW, 'h', '',   WS_POPUP,
    //                         0, 0, &#123;screen.width, screen.height&#125;50, 50, 0, 0, Inst, nil&#41;;
    Initialize&#40;Form1.Handle&#41;;                         // We Want To Use Form1 As A Drawing Surface
    ShowWindow&#40;Full, SW_SHOW&#41;;
    Timer1.Enabled &#58;= True;
    procedure TForm1.FormCreate&#40;Sender&#58; TObject&#41;;
    Application.Title &#58;= 'VCL-DIRECT X In Practice';  // Added Purely To Keep Things Clean.
    procedure TForm1.FormClose&#40;Sender&#58; TObject; var Action&#58; TCloseAction&#41;;
    Timer1.Enabled &#58;= False;
    Timer2.Enabled &#58;= False;
    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer&#40;Sender&#58; TObject&#41;;
    Timer2.Enabled &#58;= True;    // We Enable Timer2. Timer2 Fills Our "FPS2" Integer With The FrameCount At Second Intervals.
    Render;                    // As We Aren't Actually Rendering Anything. I've Added The Render Call Here.
    procedure TForm1.Timer2Timer&#40;Sender&#58; TObject&#41;;
    FPS2 &#58;= FPS;
    FPS &#58;= 0;
    At the moment its in a window. But do i need to set up the reolution and colout depth before switching to fullscreen and if so how?.
    Now it might seem like a dumb question but the only thing i can find in the DxSDK is:


    Which id imagine i cant use with Direct3d??
    ArA¬± tHArA¬ß wA¬?Ar|A_ gA¬?A¬±A< mA¬•A_, wA< wAr|| A¬±A¬? |A¬?A¬±gA<Ar A¬ßA_A¬•A¬±k tHA< mA¬?A¬±kA<A¬•, tHA< mA¬?A¬±kA<A¬• wAr|| A¬ßA_A¬•A¬±k A¬ºA¬ß. - J

  2. #2

    Fullscreen Without d3dApp Framework?

    It's rather simple :

    First keep somewhere your present parameters, then, during execution, when you want to flip to FullScreen, just do as follows :

    1- Set BackBufferWidth, BackBufferHeight, and BackBufferCount of the Present Parameters(i.e 1024, 768, 1);
    2- Set the BackBufferFormat : D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 (I'm not sure ...)
    3- Just Reset your Device : GfxDevice.Reset(Present);

    And your app will pass in fullscreen !

    Hope that helped ! Let me know if the format isn't good !


  3. #3

    Fullscreen Without d3dApp Framework?

    Hey thanx man, its working well, guess the format was fine
    ArA¬± tHArA¬ß wA¬?Ar|A_ gA¬?A¬±A< mA¬•A_, wA< wAr|| A¬±A¬? |A¬?A¬±gA<Ar A¬ßA_A¬•A¬±k tHA< mA¬?A¬±kA<A¬•, tHA< mA¬?A¬±kA<A¬• wAr|| A¬ßA_A¬•A¬±k A¬ºA¬ß. - J


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