
one more please:

Like I asked some questions ago:

The Blocktester is a bit hard to understand, did I make it right?

Right now my people still run 'through' the obastacles, don't know if it is a pathfinding or a movement bug.

Here my blocktester:

function TForm1.blocktester(X, Y, Fx, Fy: integer): integer;
  result:= -1; // if it isnt anything else - it is wall
  if level[x,y]=255 then result:=round(((ABS(FX-X) + ABS(FY - Y)) * 3)/3)
  else if level[x,y]=0 then result:= ((ABS(FX-X) + ABS(FY - Y)) * 3);
0 is no obstacle, 255 is a road, this is no obstacle but a way to prefer.
Is the result correct?

Thanks again,