Quote Originally Posted by Firlefanz
To make it clear:

I don't wanna use 45¬? only, if possible.

I don't want all points like this:

I only want the points I need so I can set my angle to next point until I am there:

Is this possible somehow? Or is there an Other Sample / Algo
to do so?

Most those examples are for grided maps, and the Path scoring is computed using the "manhattan" method; which procedue a path like in your first pic; but there is more ways to compute the path scoring wich could produce different paterns in the line path.
check this interesting article about Heuristic scoring:


But what you are asking in your 2th pic i thinkis called "Steering behavior",

(warning, PDF ]http://ducati.doc.ntu.ac.uk/uksim/uksim%2704/Papers/Simon%20Tomlinson-%2004-20/paper04-20%20CR.pdf[/url]