I released 1.3.1 version of the Blow Everything Up Net Game.

This is a multiplayer 2D shooter written in Delphi 5.
There are 18 maps, 7 characters and 3 game modes.
Weapons: Glock, shotgun, rocket launcher, grenades and special
weapons. Additional weapons you can selected, when you have 100 points
of adrenaline.

Some screens:

It would be great, if you download the game (game+server, 83 MB): http://seasoft.robal.org/download/beunet131.zip

I've created dedicated server (1.2 MB): http://seasoft.robal.org/download/dedicated131.zip

My Homepage: http://seasoft.victorygames.com.pl

I need only more players and more servers . I'll never finish this project, because it is the Multiplayer Game (Will be more updates in future).