I don't know if any of you guys know about this so I thought I'd announce it to you. There is a new games console coming out aimed specifically at people who wish to learn how consoles work (e.g hackers, programmers, hobbyists, etc). It is comparable to a SNES in power terms and is being Developed by a guy called Andre LaMothe (He wrote the book on games programming, no really, he writes books about games programming). The system can be programmed in Basic, C++ and of course Assembly (to harness the real power). I know this is a Delphi forum but I also know this might interest many of you so I thought I'd post about. Personally I can't wait. The good thing about it is that everything about it's workings are fully explained so you can get down and dirty with the hardware directly. It's gonna be sooo cool. I guess I better start learning assembly. There are also further expansions planned such as Serial and Parallel ports, USB, SRAM and Flash cards.
It's out at around Christmas time (please don't slip back!), Check out the website if you're interested at www.XGameStation.Com.
It's gonna be soooo sweet!