Hi , i got a problem with the installer that i figured out (the same reason because i had other problems with the last version too).
In fact delphi is installed in the directory C:\Delphi 7 (with a space) and when i run the installer it doesn't work because the space breaks the instruction : C:\Delphi is not a valid command ...
So i tried to retype the command line with "" and i got another error message (i don't understant why) :

Finally i did the manual method and i've notice that the first step isn't complete anymore : 1. Add the GLXTreem\Source and GLXTreem\Source\GraphicEx to the libary paths. You must add the fmod dir too...
Doing all that it worked
Hope you can add some "" in your installer and the installation of fmod in the alternative method ! (What i said doesn't change my opinion on this cool component set ! Just trying to imrove it a tiny bit)
