In fact I wanted to tell that it's not written in the first step that you should add the fmod directory to the library (really not important ...).
I found another bug which happens with the Timer component : the frametime variable which I think should give the number of milliseconds between the 2 last frames doesn't. It shows the same thing as Timer.ElapsedTime which is the total time. It doesn't happen if Interval is 0 and I found the line causing the bug. It's in the GLTimer.pas , procedure AppIdle the last line
  // Compensate for async GetTickCount;
    IF FInterval <> 0 then FLastTime&#58;=FLastTime - FrameTime + FInterval;
I found that deleting those lines made it work but i didn't figured what it does exactly...
(This bugs explains why i've been moving so quickly in the Sound demo).
Hope you'll find an answer soon !
