I tried to add lighting in a GLXTreem project but there are some things I don't understand.
First, if i increase the ConstantAttenuation variable, i don't see a thing.
That's the same with the 2 others (i tried to set them to 0.001 but it didn't changed a thing).
So how to use theese variables and what are they supposed to do ?

Then, i've got only one light wich is located at the same position as the camera. I don't understant why some walls are lighted and others don't. See the screenshot :

Why is a far wall lighted up instead of those which are near the light ?

Finally, i can't get an ambient light to light up every side of my map:
If set positional to false, and the poisition (which is in this case the direction ?) is set to 1,1,1. In this case the wall which are in fact at -1 aren't lighted up. (this isn't clear i know... sorry)

Answers anyone ?
