Well, I originally chose DGDev, but futher investigation reveals that both DGDev and William of Orange were born(?) on the 4th of November, which is not for another 3 days, so I guess it must be BlueCat.

So, Happy Birthday!

PS. The more astute among you may have noticed that this is my first post for about two months. This is because I have just moved up to Birmingham University to study Computer Systems Engineering. I haven't been able to check the forums very often, however, my room has a high-speed network connection (free!), which I intend to make full use of once I get my own PC next week. Also, the Engineering Department here are members of MSDNAA, which means I can download up to 12.5GB of MS operating systems and development software per year for the cost of ?¢,¬¨15. Which I also intend to make full use of!