The following _should_ do the trick (based solely on looking at the DelphiX source and trying a non-DelphiX test...)

You want to declare a variable of type TDDDeviceIdentifier. You then call the appropriate function...

ID: TDDDeviceIdentifier;
DirectDraw1.IDraw7.GetDeviceIdentifier(ID, 0);
// todo: use stuff in ID record however you want

That's it, as far as I can see. I'm not sure where the TDirectDraw-based component comes from (what I called DirectDraw1) since I've not used DelphiX. I'd be surprised if it wasn't a visual thing, easily available, though! You can also use IDraw4 instead of IDraw7 I think.

I'll quote from the relevant header so you know what ID will contain after calling the above function. Lots of info for you...

TDDDeviceIdentifier = record
// These elements are for presentation to the user only. They should not be used to identify particular
// drivers, since this is unreliable and many different strings may be associated with the same
// device, and the same driver from different vendors.
szDriver: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char;
szDescription: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char;

// This element is the version of the DirectDraw/3D driver. It is legal to do <, > comparisons
// on the whole 64 bits. Caution should be exercised if you use this element to identify problematic
// drivers. It is recommended that guidDeviceIdentifier is used for this purpose.
// This version has the form:
// wProduct = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
// wVersion = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
// wSubVersion = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
// wBuild = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
liDriverVersion: TLargeInteger; // Defined for applications and other 32 bit components

// These elements can be used to identify particular chipsets. Use with extreme caution.
// dwVendorId Identifies the manufacturer. May be zero if unknown.
// dwDeviceId Identifies the type of chipset. May be zero if unknown.
// dwSubSysId Identifies the subsystem, typically this means the particular board. May be zero if unknown.
// dwRevision Identifies the revision level of the chipset. May be zero if unknown.
dwVendorId: DWORD;
dwDeviceId: DWORD;
dwSubSysId: DWORD;
dwRevision: DWORD;

// This element can be used to check changes in driver/chipset. This GUID is a unique identifier for the
// driver/chipset pair. Use this element if you wish to track changes to the driver/chipset in order to
// reprofile the graphics subsystem.
// This element can also be used to identify particular problematic drivers.
guidDeviceIdentifier: TGUID;