Oh dear, I never seem to notice the obvious things

Thanks for taking the time to download it.

cairnswm: The opengl32.dll problem is strange. It's in my system32 folder and AFAIK is installed with the video card drivers. Sorry it doesn't work for you.

Paulius: I can't believe I didn't notice that stupid path :lol: I'd forgotten that it even needs that file. The engine sound is not great at the moment, I've only spent about 30 minutes on it and most of that was downloading and installing OpenAL!

Traveler: Nice to see you got it working.

The problem you had with the steering wheels is really to do with the camera. It moves to the opposite end of the car when it flips over. I did this because it lets you see where you're going when it's upside down!! And it is hard to steer an upside down car, try it in a real one :twisted: Actually, lowering the suspension should bring the wheels nearer the ground but that's cheating really.

Why you went to the moon I don't know, but it's probably to do with the timestep of the physics updates. The rendering speed won't affect the physics up to a point. The physics is actually being updated while the quadtree is rendering but even then if rendering slows down too much it loses some precision and starts over compensating (which launches you moonwards). It's much more fun when you get more than 30fps (it's actually limited to 33fps anyway).

And I have to admit the keyboard input is a pretty poor effort. I've been using 99% of my brain's cpu to work with matrix math and physics so that bit of code has been neglected a little.

I'll upload a new version ASAP with some fixes. Let you know when it's ready, until then the link won't work.