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Thread: Physics test

  1. #21

    Physics test


    I didn't have much luck with threads so now I'm just using gettickcount to set up 2 timers, one for physics and one for rendering.

    It's working quite well now.

    There's a new version available now.

    When you run it the view distance will be very close, it will then adjust itself according to your machine's speed and your resolution and color settings. It should give you about 33fps when it settles down

    This should make it run quite nicely on slower systems, even if you can't see very far!

    I'm very interested in how this runs for people who have had trouble with it so far.

    Just for reference, on my PC I get a view distance of around 30000 most of the time.

    Do you have a link to your project dUmAsS? I'd like to see your ODE in action

  2. #22

    Physics test

    my "play test" is at sulaco (link at bottom of this page)

    set ure center of grav lower to make it stop flipping

    i get 32000 view distance. nice scenary

    except the physics seem to be in fast forward mode slow down physic calculations (thats to do with ure timings)

  3. #23

    Physics test

    Ok I've slowed down the physics a little and I'm trying to lower the centre of gravity.

    Do you use a geomtransform? I'm not having much luck with it. Seems to mess up the collision detection of the car body.

  4. #24

    Physics test

    [pascal] // chassis body
    Body[0] := dBodyCreate (World);
    dBodySetPosition (Body[0], 0-580, cSTARTZ+cWHEEL_OFFSET, Index*5.5-417);
    dMassSetBox (M, 1, cWIDTH, cHEIGHT, cLENGTH);
    dMassAdjust (M, cCMASS);
    dBodySetMass (Body[0], M);
    Box[0] := dCreateBox (nil, cWIDTH, cHEIGHT, cLENGTH);
    dGeomSetBody (Box[0], Body[0]);[/pascal]

    thats how mines done. doesnt have senter of gravity atm tho :roll:

  5. #25

    Physics test

    Thanks, I've used dmasstranslate to lower the centre of gravity. It's hard to balance it just right, too high and the car still falls over, too low and it kind of swings Much better results than with geomtransforms though even though I'm pretty sure I read that they are the best way to do it.

    You can get the latest versionhere.

    And now by holding down 'T' you can flip the car back over if it rolls

  6. #26

    Physics test

    what are ure results of putting it on flat ground and letting the wheels reach a rotational velocity of 100?

    does it stay stable or bendy wheels?

  7. #27

    Physics test

    I don't really have any problems (yet), maybe that's because I'm using zero CFM on the hinge2 suspension!!!

    I'm using a slider AND a hinge2 and it seems to work fine. Have you seen the wheels go bendy? :?

    The only problem I do have is that if the car turns a corner really fast it pushes the 'outside' wheels towards the car and slightly into the car body. It's pretty obvious there's a strong sideways force but I'd hoped ODE would handle this better. It doesn't make the car any less driveable and will hopefully not be noticeable when I get a nice car model into the game.

    What model format/loader do you use dUmAsS, that car looks nice

  8. #28

    Physics test

    the sideways force is what u call "g forces" lol

    mines converted from a gp4 car into pure opengl vertices lol

    the only thing i have aproblem with in ure is the hills. there way too bumpy

  9. #29

    Physics test

    Yeah I know

    The bumpiness is much worse when the car is accelerating. I'm checking my code now, might be a problem with the surface normal function.

    I just tried taking the speed limiter off the car and managed a top speed of 386(mph?) before it finally flipped and crashed :twisted: At that speed it's hard to avoid mountains as they fly past, you just aim for a flat bit of the horizon :lol:

  10. #30

    Physics test

    i think the hills could be smoother if you decrease the space between checking the hight? depends how your doing it tho

    and how come it takes about 20 seconds to load :shock:

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