@Code_glitch gluLookAt doesn't belong to glut library It belongs to OpenGL extentions defined in glu unit
I was confusing that too and started to implement my own camera cause I wanted to get rid of this glut dependancy which turned out to be non-existant

@MuteClown: The thing with gluLookAt is a bit different compared to your understanding of it. The first 3 parameters in the procedure are defining the position of the "camera" in space. Not the angle. The angle is calculated by procedure based on the position of the camera and point on which the camera is looking.

You can mix gluOrtho with gluPerspective and even you should in some cases For example, to draw a menu, all the windows and so on, you should switch to gluOrtho, to render 3d objects you switch back to gluPerspective.

I am beginner with OpenGL but feel free to ask any further questions. Maybe we could help each other