
I'm not sure whether or not it's exactly what you had in mind, but I've written several games in Delphi. One in particular, Nuclear, is quite a simple game and I thought that it would make a good game for newbies to study. It shows how to do the basic game control e.g. main loop: get player move, validate it, process it, if okay then check for winner, if no winner then do computer move, and repeat loop.

Certainly no great feat of programming but could be good for newbies to study so I'll write an article about it. I'll add a link in the article for newbies to d/l the source code from my homepage. Give me a week or 2 to write the article. It'll probably be short.

I meant to say, also, that it's based on using a component descended from a TStringGrid. I'll add the link for it and the sound component too. Both links are on my Delphi page.

--- Peter W. :-)
Canberra, Australia