Hahaha, be careful there steven, you do not want to get into one of those style arguments... I always say indent 1 tab (set to 4 spaces in IDE), keep it all in line, break into blocks, add () whenever appropriate, same thing for ; add comments in blocks, separate it all out nicely and etc... If someone wants to read your code, then go ahead, just set tab to whatever spacing you like. Its sort of universal that way. Oh, and when passing variables to a procedure/function I prefer to do xyz(1, 2, y, h) instead of xyz(1,2,y,h) I just think it looks neater. Or you could abc( (cgdfd - uwergw), 8 ) with those spaces... its all about esthetics mainly. Compare it to ones taste in girls (talking bout you girls here so all girls officially banned from thread and no looking up my email address either ) - they are never the same so basically, no matter you're coding style: chances are, someone hates it. Now I'm not saying some people hate certain girls, but you get the picture. I might like (notice the MIGHT here) prefer thinner girls with a nice personality to the erm.... Models of our world. this is HYPOTHETICAL - don't make assumptions; female intuition does not solve the answer to everything. Its 42.