Thanks for the warm welcome back

I was only away because I had a series of catastrophic PC failures coupled with starting a business (which I had NO IDEA how much work it would involve).
It's a software engineering company though doing C#, PHP, Java etc; and we're looking to get something onto the Android Market.. It's frontier land right now and there's a lot of crap on there, so I KNOW I can do better.

Although I didn't lose any source code (thank God), I couldn't seem to re-install Rad Studio afterwards and I didn't have the time to get it working.
But, I've recently downloaded Lazarus again, and I'm going to see if FreePascal can offer a nicer high performance option to writing in C for Android.

I'd rather not do too much Java, I've been porting an old game to Java that I had written like 15 years ago in C++, so I know I can do it, go the tilt sensor working and so on... but I think that a decent game needs more power than Java can provide and Java isn't as nice a language.

Anyway, it's really nice to see some old faces here again, Feels like I never left - although I noticed you redecorated the place