I had a go at trying to find similar functions and variables in the Gl unit, and then started to see double :?

I kinda guessed that D3DTOP_MODULATE was a texture call, but i just was'nt sure because of the D3DTSS_COLOROP!?

I copyed them from a lightmapping source, it basicly generates the lightmaps and then renders them (of course) but my copy doesnt seem to be working very well

I might be coming from the wrong angle though, would any of these functions/calls have any effect on calculating the lightmaps? Because the only difference that i can think of is these calls (and of course the way the data is stored, but im pretty sure thats not the problem)!?

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful here (I've not used d3d myself), but hopefully someone else will help out.
Your help is still very much appreciated